Thursday, November 21, 2013

Blog 9: EQ

  1. I have reviewed the rule of three for writing an EQ.
  2. Why the EQs did or didn't meet the rule of three criteria:
a. Yes, since the question is open-ended and requires some sort of education in the field to answer.
b. No, the meaning of the question is not straightforward, however it can be revised and still yield the same answer.
c. Yes, since the question addresses technique and practical application.
d. No, since the question is not open-ended and lacks depth.

     3. Which features best contribute to progress and advancement of an independent film?

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

November Blog: Independent Component Update

For my independent component, I have been writing a screenplay that I will shoot as my second independent component. As of now, I have 13 pages of dialogue and description. A brief summary of the story (so far) is as follows:
A girl, Kylie, with a stressed businesswoman of a mother has her 1st day of school. She is nervous about making friends, but she meets one boy, Luke, that she can instantaneously call a friend. The students give their teacher a very hard time, asking profound questions that she doesn't know how to answer. Anyway, Kylie and Luke play on the playground for a while after class, and at one point, they hug one another while sitting on a bench. The time period shifts, and now they are 18-year-olds performing the same action. They visit their school to reminisce, and it is established that Kylie is very studious, but has difficulty in her debate class. At school the next morning, their friend, Johnny, asks to borrow the homework. He can be characterized as a lazy, fun-loving friend. As Kylie leaves, Luke tells Johnny that he wants to propose to Kylie, and even shows him the engagement ring. Johnny tells Luke about an upcoming party at another friend, Josh's, however Luke is reluctant to go, as Josh is a drug addict and possible alcoholic. Meanwhile, Kylie is assigned a partner and topic for her next debate. She is comfortable with her partner, Daniel, and is prepared to redeem herself by debating against illegal drugs. Later that day, Luke is working on an essay and texting Johnny about the party simultaneously. He dozes off, and upon awakening realizes that he didn't finish his essay. At school, he frantically works on it, and Kylie assists. After, Johnny arrives and assures Luke that the essay is irrelevant enough to have little influence on his decent grade. To cheer him up, he mentions the party that will be later that day. Meanwhile, Kylie recites her debate speech against illegal drugs, as Luke is shown taking drugs at Josh's party.
For the 2nd Independent component, I am prepared to collaborate with fellow seniors that have topics that can be implemented to fufill the Independent film, or anyone that is interested in helping.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

October Blog

Due to several presentations, tests, and quizzes for all classes, making time to watch films has been very difficult. Therefore, my list for next month remains the same:

  • Donnie Darko
  • Garden State
  • Another Earth
  • Primer
  • Upstream Color
  • Cyrus
  • Jeff, Who Lives at Home

  • However, I have started writing my screenplay for my independent component. A few pages have been completed, but ideas don't come out of thin air. I'm not quite sure how to show how I've worked on it, but the scene opens with a few kids' first day of school. They all give the teacher a hard time.

    Wednesday, October 16, 2013

    Research and Working EQ

    1) My working EQ is: "What is the most essential aspect in regard to the creation of a successful independent film?"

    2) Some possible answers to my working EQ are:

    • To show dedication in exposing a controversial social issue through the use of thought-provoking material, in addition to a unique story and/or characters. 
    • To maximize profits by getting a film with a gimmicky idiosyncrasy retained in a film festival.
    • To leverage relationships with fellow filmmakers in order to create strategic collaborations that don't compromise the vision.
    3) The most important source that I have used that has helped me come up with an answer to my working EQ has been my source #19 in my WB; It is the second scholarly source that I have used, and the author is astonishingly verbose in concisely describing the topic in the greatest of detail. All of my other sources have gradually acquainted me further to the topic.

    5) I've decided to have 2 mentors: my aunt and my uncle. They are both independent filmmakers that live together, and work in different departments. My aunt works as a writer and in the art department, while my uncle mostly directs and produces. Having 2 mentors that work in separate departments of independent film should help me broaden my area of expertise on the topic of independent film.

    Thursday, October 3, 2013

    Independent Component 1 Approval

    1) For my 30 hours, I plan to write a screenplay of my own, since my topic is independent filmmaking. For the second independent component, I plan on shooting my screenplay after it is perfected.
    2) To show 30 hours of evidence, I could submit drafts of my screenplay, on each due date a more refined and completed version.
    3) This component will definitely help me explore my topic in depth since the work is hands-on as opposed to repeated research of independent film. This component will also help me apply the research I have done in a cohesive, orderly fashion.

    Monday, September 30, 2013

    September Blog

    Due to extensive research, cornell notes, and studying for tests, I wasn't able to watch all 10 films, as I had planned. In addition to the workload, watching that many independent films would have been emotionally exhausting for me. Nontheless, my interpretations of the films were as follows:

    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind: This film was really remarkable. It could be a bit confusing at times, but the film essentially challenges the expression "ignorance is bliss." Both the characters and the idea that the main character is trapped and lost in his own mind make this film truly unique.

    Tiny Furniture: This film will appeal to some, but the plot isn't really sophisticated or complex in any way. Many events do take place, but the film could easily be summarized in one sentence: "After Aura gets back home from college, she finds herself facing the drudgery of everyday life."

    True Adolescents: The film details the camping trip of two teenagers and one of their much older, yet equally immature cousins. It has a very distinct and appealing mood to it, and like most independent films this one is very character-driven and the plotline is fairly ambiguous.

    I plan to watch and evaluate as many of the remaining films as possible in my next monthly blog:

    1. Donnie Darko
    2. Garden State
    3. Another Earth
    4. Primer
    5. Upstream Color
    6. Cyrus
    7. Jeff, Who Lives at Home

    Wednesday, September 18, 2013

    Second Interview Questions

    1) My mentor is Violeta Duran, and she is a high school teacher in Torrance. She works as a writer/producer, and in the art department of independent short films and web series. The latter is an on-the-side job, but it's pertinent to my topic.

    2) 5 questions about mentor's background:

    • How does one usually begin the writing of a screenplay for an independent film?
    • Do you find that working in several departments is a heavy workload, or would you say it allows you to utilize and apply all of your special skills accordingly?
    • What made you want to help produce independent films?
    • Is there any department which you find more enjoyable to work in? If so, which?
    • Are there any unique and easy tips or tricks in the art department you would like to share?

    Saturday, September 7, 2013

    Blog 5: Project Reflection and Working EQ

    The Pentagon:

    1. Positive Statement: As a result of what I have completed so far, I have undoubtedly learned a great deal of information on how to advance, create, and manage an independent film.
    2. EQ Content: My 4th source in my working bibliography has helped improve my understanding of my topic, since it details and analyzes how a film is financed, which is essentially how most define an independent film.
    3. So far in the senior project, everything has worked sufficiently well. The research checks haven't been too frequent to keep up with (although good sources will gradually become harder to find as the year progresses), and the designated time to take cornell notes on Fridays is relieving. Additionally, the class blog is incredibly helpful for us to keep up on assignments.
    4. Like I said, quality research will become harder to find as the year progresses. Although the research checks have not been too frequent yet, we will soon have to dig through the internet and spend hours upon hours hoping to find quality sources and trying not to stumble on an article that we already found.
    5. Finding Value:
    • A potential question I would like to study this year is: What is the most essential aspect in regard to the creation of a successful independent film?
    • For my mentorship, I will help my mentors on the set whenever they need help, and I will keep up with film festival research that they need me to assist with.

    Saturday, August 31, 2013

    August Blog

    In an effort to gain some more engaging insight on independent films, I will view and evaluate 10 over this next month. Most of the films were recommended to me by my mentor, with plenty of variety in terms of big names and big budgets. The question I plan to keep in mind while viewing these films is, "What is the most important aspect consistent within independent films?" Here are the films I plan on watching:

    1. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
    2. Donnie Darko
    3. Garden State
    4. Another Earth
    5. Primer
    6. Upstream Color
    7. Tiny Furniture
    8. True Adolescents
    9. Cyrus
    10. Jeff, Who Lives at Home

    Wednesday, August 28, 2013

    Blog 4: Interview Preparation

    1. I plan to interview my aunt, Violeta Duran, who also happens to be my contact for my summer mentorship. I plan on interviewing her because she is experienced in the film making industry, and I know she could help provide me with some insight on my topic. 
    2. Additional questions I plan on asking:
    • How would you define independent film? Do you believe the term applies to how the film was financed, or the content of the film?
    • Does co-financing generally constitute profit boosts in films?
    • In what ways have independent films shaped our lives and society as a whole?
    • Would you say that independent films have created a culture that many tend to overlook, or that it gives anyone with a camera and an imaginative idea they want to express an outlet to do so?
    • What are some independent films that you would recommend?

    Thursday, August 22, 2013

    Blog 3: Topic Choice and Semester 1 ESLR Goals

    1. Independent Film making
    2. To show growth in each of the ESLRs this year, I plan to apply my knowledge of my topic and synchronize it with a balanced amount of each of the iPoly ESLRs.
    • iPoly Citizen: I will get more involved in school activities, and I will frequently pitch ideas to help support the school as a whole. For the topic specifically, I will ask my peers for feedback on assignments and I will graciously return the favor as needed.
    • Effective Learner: As I mentioned earlier, I will as others for feedback. I will utilize their suggestions and correct my work accordingly. I will also help others with their assignments in order to practice the material and thus become more skilled with it.
    • Effective User of Technology: I plan to continue using the blog to stay updated on all my assignments. Additionally, I will use Google Drive and Microsoft Office programs generously throughout the year.
    • Effective Communicator: Between now and model assembly, as well as the senior project and other presentations, I plan on practicing my speech and exercising my presentation skills. I also plan on being more assertive in order to have my voice heard to a greater extent. 

    Friday, August 16, 2013

    Summer Mentorship Component


    1. Mentorship Log
    2. Violeta Duran (626) 252-6536
    3. Questions that were raised because of mentorship:
    • What are some ways that funds could be raised to accommodate all the needs of an independent film?
    • Who finds the cast and crew for each film? And by what means?
    • How does one attain a position in the film industry in which one can make a living?

         4. The most important thing that I gained from my experience was hands-on training for several roles involved in the film making process. Aside from the training, I worked with professionals who undoubtedly knew what they were doing. This was a nice way to get used to the feel of a movie set.


         5. What I did helped me choose a topic since I am genuinely interested in independent film making, and practicing different roles helps me find what I'm most interested in and shows me what I may well be getting myself into.

    Sunday, June 9, 2013

    2013 2-Hour Presentation Reflections

    1) The presentations I viewed were:
    Domestic Violence- Taryn
    Disease Prevention- Jazmin
    Singing Professionally-Jamilex
    Radio Production- Alfonso
    Voice Acting- Deanna
    Parks & Rec- Isaiah
    Solar Cup Competition- Jesse
    Theatrical Performance- Danielle
    Suicidal Youth- Marissa
    Independent Short Films- Yesenia
    Wedding Planning- Sydney
    Law Enforcement- Jared
    Play Thearapy- Demerus
    Graphic Design- Stephany

    2) I have no questions specific to any senior presentation,  but I wonder how senior year leads up to the 2-hour presentations. Is the entire year dedicated to perfecting the 2-hour presentations?

    3) I would assume that the essential question is the most important part of the senior project, since the entire presentation answers it in 3 ways.

    4) The topic I am considering doing is Independent Filmmaking, or some component therein. I am considering doing this because I greatly enjoy making films; I took ROP Videography even though I already earned all my VAPA credits. Also, my aunt and her husband are Independent Filmmakers, so I could easily complete my internship.