Thursday, October 31, 2013

October Blog

Due to several presentations, tests, and quizzes for all classes, making time to watch films has been very difficult. Therefore, my list for next month remains the same:

  • Donnie Darko
  • Garden State
  • Another Earth
  • Primer
  • Upstream Color
  • Cyrus
  • Jeff, Who Lives at Home

  • However, I have started writing my screenplay for my independent component. A few pages have been completed, but ideas don't come out of thin air. I'm not quite sure how to show how I've worked on it, but the scene opens with a few kids' first day of school. They all give the teacher a hard time.

    Wednesday, October 16, 2013

    Research and Working EQ

    1) My working EQ is: "What is the most essential aspect in regard to the creation of a successful independent film?"

    2) Some possible answers to my working EQ are:

    • To show dedication in exposing a controversial social issue through the use of thought-provoking material, in addition to a unique story and/or characters. 
    • To maximize profits by getting a film with a gimmicky idiosyncrasy retained in a film festival.
    • To leverage relationships with fellow filmmakers in order to create strategic collaborations that don't compromise the vision.
    3) The most important source that I have used that has helped me come up with an answer to my working EQ has been my source #19 in my WB; It is the second scholarly source that I have used, and the author is astonishingly verbose in concisely describing the topic in the greatest of detail. All of my other sources have gradually acquainted me further to the topic.

    5) I've decided to have 2 mentors: my aunt and my uncle. They are both independent filmmakers that live together, and work in different departments. My aunt works as a writer and in the art department, while my uncle mostly directs and produces. Having 2 mentors that work in separate departments of independent film should help me broaden my area of expertise on the topic of independent film.

    Thursday, October 3, 2013

    Independent Component 1 Approval

    1) For my 30 hours, I plan to write a screenplay of my own, since my topic is independent filmmaking. For the second independent component, I plan on shooting my screenplay after it is perfected.
    2) To show 30 hours of evidence, I could submit drafts of my screenplay, on each due date a more refined and completed version.
    3) This component will definitely help me explore my topic in depth since the work is hands-on as opposed to repeated research of independent film. This component will also help me apply the research I have done in a cohesive, orderly fashion.