Tuesday, November 12, 2013

November Blog: Independent Component Update

For my independent component, I have been writing a screenplay that I will shoot as my second independent component. As of now, I have 13 pages of dialogue and description. A brief summary of the story (so far) is as follows:
A girl, Kylie, with a stressed businesswoman of a mother has her 1st day of school. She is nervous about making friends, but she meets one boy, Luke, that she can instantaneously call a friend. The students give their teacher a very hard time, asking profound questions that she doesn't know how to answer. Anyway, Kylie and Luke play on the playground for a while after class, and at one point, they hug one another while sitting on a bench. The time period shifts, and now they are 18-year-olds performing the same action. They visit their school to reminisce, and it is established that Kylie is very studious, but has difficulty in her debate class. At school the next morning, their friend, Johnny, asks to borrow the homework. He can be characterized as a lazy, fun-loving friend. As Kylie leaves, Luke tells Johnny that he wants to propose to Kylie, and even shows him the engagement ring. Johnny tells Luke about an upcoming party at another friend, Josh's, however Luke is reluctant to go, as Josh is a drug addict and possible alcoholic. Meanwhile, Kylie is assigned a partner and topic for her next debate. She is comfortable with her partner, Daniel, and is prepared to redeem herself by debating against illegal drugs. Later that day, Luke is working on an essay and texting Johnny about the party simultaneously. He dozes off, and upon awakening realizes that he didn't finish his essay. At school, he frantically works on it, and Kylie assists. After, Johnny arrives and assures Luke that the essay is irrelevant enough to have little influence on his decent grade. To cheer him up, he mentions the party that will be later that day. Meanwhile, Kylie recites her debate speech against illegal drugs, as Luke is shown taking drugs at Josh's party.
For the 2nd Independent component, I am prepared to collaborate with fellow seniors that have topics that can be implemented to fufill the Independent film, or anyone that is interested in helping.

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