Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Blog 14: Independent Component 1

  1. I, Richard Reinaga, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
  2. I didn't read a book on how to write a screenplay, however in ROP Videography, I learned how to utilize a template and just build off of that. Also, everyone had to compose a script freshman year for the Multigenre Project and again sophomore year for the Frankenstein Films, so we should all have some level of experience.
  3. My Independent Component Log is already up.
  4. For my Independent Component 1, I created a screenplay that allows me to apply most of the research I've done so far, and it allows me to be productive and creative, something that no amount of research will exercise.
My screenplay should be sufficient evidence in demonstrating 30 hours of work, which is explained with greater detail in my Independent Component Log. Click here to view my screenplay. Although it is purely expositional (it ends at the conflict), it represents 30 hours of work. Screenwriting is a strenuous process that I have had the fortune of undergoing, and since I tend to be very detail-oriented, none of the possible outgrowths following the introduction of the conflict have appeased me. I simply left it up for speculation with hopes that I will someday have an option that is particularly striking relative to those thus far.

The component helped me understand the foundation of my topic in great depth. The research gave me a considerably superficial perspective on independent film, and this more engaging hands-on work allowed me to gradually apply this information with practicality. This example is somewhat abstract, but since I know what independent film is already, I might as well employ what I've learned since anything else would be tedious. It essentially allowed me to deepen my understanding and offer more admiration to my topic.

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